March 31 2021

Today has been absolute hell. I got in trouble at work for my Internet being slow and can't go back until it's fixed. I'm still struggling with the pain of my miscarriage and my baby daddy for the sake of privacy we will call Mr.P is acting like it never happened and it's not like I ask for much just to be comforted but instead it's like I'm in this alone. My 2 family members that I've taken in because their mother is a terrible selfish person keep fight and lying to me about everything. We'll call them M and J. M thinks she doesn't have to listen to anything I say because “I'm not her mom” and J still needs serious anger management. These poor kids have just been through so much. I really want to help them but how can I do that when I can't get them to trust me? To top off my ultra crappy day I found out that they are still smoking behind my back and I feel like a total idiot for believing them. I'm honestly not even mad just disappointed but what can I do. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.

Until then, goodnight my everyone!